
Chainforce B.V. is a software development and consultancy company specializing in blockchain technology and tokenomics. Our services include:

  1. Tokenomics modeling and simulation
  2. Token ecosystem design
  3. Blockchain-based software development
  4. Consultancy for blockchain projects

Important Notices:

  1. Not a Financial or Legal Advisor: Chainforce B.V. is not a registered investment advisor, financial advisor, or legal advisor. The information and services we provide are intended solely for informational and educational purposes.
  2. Nature of Services: We are computer and data scientists who quantify, model, and simulate tokenomics models within the blockchain industry. Our services are analogous to legal services in the blockchain space, helping founders establish a foundation for their token models.
  3. No Financial Products or Services: We do not offer financial products or services as defined by regulatory bodies. Our services do not involve the management or investment of money or cryptocurrencies, nor do we provide personalized financial advice.
  4. No Cryptocurrency Trading: We do not engage in, promote, or facilitate the purchase, sale, or trade of cryptocurrencies or related products. We do not offer initial coin offerings (ICOs), DeFi trading protocols, or any cryptocurrency exchange services.
  5. Client Assistance: We assist clients in quantifying and validating their own coin offerings, DeFi protocols, and blockchain-based projects. However, we do not directly offer or promote these products.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Our services comply with relevant regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate. We do not fall under the classification of Virtual Asset Services Providers (VASPs) as defined by EU regulations (MiCA), as we do not issue or manage digital assets.
  7. No Guarantees: We do not guarantee any financial outcomes or returns. The accuracy or reliability of the results obtained from our services is not warranted.
  8. Third-Party Content: Our services may include references to third-party sources. While we believe these to be reliable, they have not been independently verified, and we cannot guarantee their accuracy or completeness.
  9. Local Laws: Users are advised to consult with local legal and financial professionals to understand how our services may be viewed under their local laws.
  10. Limitation of Liability: By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that Chainforce B.V., its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers, or licensors, will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with your use of our services, the information provided by us, or any financial decisions or legal decisions made based on such information.

For full details on our terms of service, please refer to our comprehensive Terms & Conditions at https://chainforce.tech/terms-and-conditions/

This disclaimer is subject to change as regulations and our services evolve. By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms.

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